Sunday, October 19, 2008

Isn't it Iconic? by Stacy King Gordon

1. Packaging is important when consumers buy products depending on their packaging design. When I chose to buy a bottle of shampoo, I was debating between two types of organic shampoos. A brand call Organix had an oval shaped with nice text and colors. The other brand called Giovanni had a slim rectangular shape made of clear plastic material. I decided to choose Organix because the packaging design was more appealing.

2. Animal crackers, Poland Spring, Tropicana Orange Juice, Capri Sun, Kool Aid, and McDonalds Happy Meal are examples of iconic packaging.

3. A usability issue is the durability of the product and the behavioral aspect of the packaging design. An example of good packaging from a usability perspective is the Coca Cola plastic bottle. These bottles can be recapped after opening to drink later. An example of a bad packaging is the Coca Cola cans because once you open it, you have to drink it all at once.

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