Sunday, October 26, 2008

Retail Analysis

1. I observed a store called Gazelle Sports located in Downtown. They market to young adults interested in brands and middle aged people who play sports.

a. The store entrance is very plain, it had a few banners with name of the store and some clothes hanging outside the glass window.

b. Gazelle Sports play old type of music. Their music is not loud.

c. The merchandises are displayed in hangers, separated by brands.

d. The floors are carpeted in dark gray colors.

e. They have yellow signs of brands of clothing (Nike, North Face, Adidas).

f. In the cashier area, there is a huge yellow sign with quotes about shopping in Gazelle right on top of the counter.

3. The image the business is trying to sports can be fashionable. Their sporting clothes have different colors and styles that you cannot find in another store.

4. Customers found the various elements of the store's design intriguing. People there are very interested in the clothing and the bright signs that label what brand they are.

5. I find interesting that the colors of all the signs are green, and yellow. They try to promote nature and how by playing sports, you will be outside enjoying nature. Also, Gazelle placed all their men clothing in the right because of the invariant right principle. Gazelle did not want to confuse the male customers when the first thing they see is women clothing. The fitting room was located all the way in the back of the left corner. It took a lot of thing to look for it, therefore it manipulates customers to shop around their store longer. All the sports items are located in the back as well.

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