Wednesday, November 5, 2008

City by William Whyte

1. The author's key points in this chapter is that there are guidelines to design of spaces. For example, A good space should fulfill the customer's demands. Supply creates demands. The best used places should have women because women sensitive to annoyance. People tend to sit where there are places to sit. Sitting guidelines are needed for height, distance, length, and space. Chairs have mobility. It gives people the sense of choice and freedom to move it around. The amount of seating in the plaza is also very important.

2. Urban space designs and consumer product designs are all people centered. Both designs have to focused on people and how the people interact with the space and product. The difference is that urban space designs focus more on attracting people to certain areas.

3. Analyzing the public space:
  • Is there are lot of women?
  • Location
  • is the place bigger than 3 blocks?
  • Is there a sense of enclosure?
  • Amount of seating?
  • Are the seating heights 17-18 inches?
  • Plazas are sunken? (no more than 3 feet)
  • Are there benches? (length requirement)
  • Are there movable chairs?

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