Friday, November 21, 2008

Redesign K

1. Tentative thesis: Hot Spot shuttle is vital transportation system for Kalamazoo students, therefore it is important to have Hot Spot shuttles back.
2. Constraints that I plan to address in my analysis are financial problems. The cost of running Hot Spot shuttle are gas prices, van rental and driver wages. The trigger point is students need transportation to get around the school.
3. The four class readings:
  • The ten faces of innovation
  • City, The design of spaces
  • Emotional Design
  • Ch 9, Product, Services and Branding Strategies
  • Third places
4. "One of the things we often do at IDEO when collaborating with client companies on a new concept is to help them map out their customer's journey...the journey nearly always has more steps than people first imagine. For example, the journey of the car buying experience often has lots of anxiety inducing steps, with plenty of opportunities to stray off the desired path. "
-use this to prove that transportation is a journey, and by providing hot spot, it can improve and reduce lots of anxiety inducing steps of traveling.
"Think about travel and leisure, for example, where some of the most memorable, immersive experiences from a day at a relaxing spa to an evening at a hot nightclub--not only incorporate visual sensations but also make optimum use of sound, incorporate visual sensations but also make optimum use of sound, incorporate tactile sensations, and blend in the right taste and smells."

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